Designated Safeguarding Lead - Liza McCarthy Assistant Head.
Deputy Safeguarding Lead - Adrienne Niblett, Will Rothwell and Siobhan Winterbottom
Heads of House or Year;
If you would like to let the school know of any issues you are facing, or would like any school support please contact the relevant Head of House or Head of 6th Form.
Amelia Siobhan Phil Adrienne Darren
Noble Winterbottom Amor Niblett Leatherbarrow
The School Nurse
The school nurse is at Balcarras every Monday lunchtime. These are free drop in sessions for any pupil who feels they need some support or guidance. Located in the medical room no appointment is necessary. Alternatively, a Head of House will be very happy to arrange a session for any pupil.
Balcarras School Nurse is Jacqueline Dixon and the Early help coordinator is Theresa Brown.
There is a self referral form you can complete if you would like to see the school nurse, this can be found by clicking here If you do complete this form we would recommend that you let your Head of House know. (see links below)
Text School Nurse Young people aged 11-16 can get text advice from the school nurse by texting 07507333351
School Nursing The School Nursing Team provides a range of health and wellbeing support to our Children & Young People in schools across Gloucestershire. What they do:
They are registered nurses who work with children, young people and their families to help them improve their emotional health and wellbeing as well as support and advice about physical health issues they may experience. They can meet face to face in school, at home or at any community setting that suits the young person. Alternatively they can meet virtually on a video call or even text a young person to chat about their worries.
For more information about their service visit their website or to make a referral please complete this form.
For ChatHealth; the School Nurse text service find out more by watching this video
School Counsellor; James Mann is a dedicated school counsellor who can offer support for pupils, appointments are made through your head of house or head of year.
Balcarras Early Help Coordinator; The Head of House team work closely with the early help coordinator for Balcarras. Theresa Brown visits Balcarras on Thursday afternoons and works closely with the Head of House team. Early help involves everybody and the aim is to identify emerging problems, to enable the right level of intervention and support when needed, through the designated school lead and other professionals. Click here to find out more about this process.