
As a School we have a regular Green Group who look at ways to improve the school environment. We do a number of activities throughout the year. We are currently working towards renewing our Green Flag status and have picked three areas of focus;

1. Reduce our Carbon Footprint

So far we have replaced over 50% of the lights around school with LED lights, invested in more energy efficient computers. Every year we hold a thick jumper day where we turn the heating down. The idea of this is to get people used to the idea that we spend £35,000 on heating. We could save money and reduce our carbon emissions if people closed doors and windows to the outside, and turned down radiators.  We have installed two 10KW Solar Panels on school buildings which help to produce energy.  Empty Car Park Days Every term we hold an empty car park day, where we encourage people to car share or cycle walk to school. As a school 66% of pupils either walk or cycle to school, this reduces our schools carbon footprint. In Year 8 all pupils are offered a place on the Bikeability cycle scheme.

Each term the empty car park day encourages those people who live close by to make a difference and not drive in a car to school.  Once a month we have a Meat Free Monday, where we offer meat free alternatives in the canteen, meat has a higher carbon footprint than vegetables. Our next project is to look into electric car charging points for visitors.

2. Reduce the amount of waste we send to Landfill.

This comes in two parts; the items we purchase and the items we throw away. In terms of what we purchase where financially possible we by recycled versions; eg we purchase recycled paper for the printers. We have purchased benches made from recycled plastics. In terms of what we throw away we recycle paper and card. We also have a pen recycling scheme running to collect old stationary.  We have set up a clothing recycling bank and have held 'swap shop' fashion recycling events. 

3. Biodiversity and the school grounds.

We aim to encourage Biodiversity on the school site. We have three ponds and have recently been carrying out pond maintenance on one of these. There have been a number of tree planting schemes. In 2024 we have planted over 100 native hedgerow species to encourage invertebrates and birds to the site.

We have also put out Insect homes with the D and T dept. We also have a growing area where pupils grow herbs, salads and vegetables. In 2023 we carried out a couple of 'Groundforce' days involving parents and pupils working on looking after the school site.


As a school we have an EcoCode which is the aims to reduce the impact of the school

1 Making our energy use as efficient as possible
2 Reduce the amount of waste we send to Landfill
3 Making the school environment diverse for wildlife
4 To encourage healthy exercise and reduce our carbon footprint.
5 Making the whole school aware of how they can make a difference

If you would like to get involved the Ecoclub runs for pupils on a Monday lunchtime in 7A6 with Mr Pearce, or if you are a parent contact the school and you can be involved with the Green Group who meet once a term. The minutes of the latest meetings can be found below.