Year 10 Mock exams
The timetable for the mock exams for year 10 has now been published
Year 10 are sitting trial examinations in June 2021. They will be on study leave from Monday 7 June to Friday 11 June, coming into school only to sit the papers they have on that particular day. We have put together some important notes of which they should be aware. In full these can be found at the bottom of this page.
Pupils should be in uniform,
Behaviour must be excellent for all examinations. At Balcarras School we expect high standards of behaviour and that includes throughout the examination period. Appropriate conduct during the examinations is of upmost importance for the good of all the students, therefore a zero-tolerance code of conduct is in effect. Any candidate found to be talking, sleeping, turning round in their seat, creating a disturbance or exhibiting unruly behaviour will be asked to leave the examination room immediately and be reported to the senior management of the school.
Barriers and silence signs should be respected. You are role models for the lower school and your actions will be copied by others, so don’t climb over or lift up barriers, they are there for a purpose, to keep your examinations quiet.
All students have been given a copy of their individual examination timetable. You can access an electronic version of the full examinations timetable on the school website. Replacement copies of individual timetables can be provided by the Examinations Office.
Examination room information and seating plans are available on the examinations noticeboard outside the Hall and on the noticeboard in the ILD block at least one hour before the scheduled exam.
Punctuality is very important. Examinations are scheduled to start at 9.00 am, 12pm and 2.00 pm. Students must arrive no later than 20 minutes prior to their scheduled start time - this is to ensure efficient preliminary administration including seating students, distribution of materials, going over instructions etc.
When not in an examination candidates are requested to move quickly and quietly away when they leave the examination room – others may well still be working.
For safety reasons we will not be providing examination equipment to students. It is imperative that students bring the equipment they require to the examination room. You will need:
- Black pen (biro or fountain pen, NOT gel pens), pencils, ruler, eraser
- Maths equipment
- Calculator without lid
- Everything in a clear plastic bag or clear pencil case
- Water bottle with no label
- Water only, no other drink
- Highlighter pens may only be used on questions not answers
Do not bring:
- Mobile phone
- Any digital storage device including smart watches
- Bags or coats – leave in your locker or tidily under stairs in Maths foyer. Please collect your possessions very quietly. N.B. The school cannot guaranee the safety of students’ possessions.
- Unauthorized material – notes
- Gel pens or Tippex
- Food
Either see the 'examinations' page or the timetable here.