Update from the Head 19th March

Dear parents,
It’s the end of the second week back after the re-opening on March 8th and all continues to go well. I continue to be pleased with how the students are readjusting to life back in the school. As ever if you have any concerns then please do get in touch.
Tuesday was the final day of testing school and by lunchtime the site staff were dismantling the testing stations. I can’t say I was sorry to see the back of them! In all we have conducted somewhere close to 6000 tests, all of them negative. We now move to a system where students and teachers continue to test at home.
Contact tracing over Easter
We have been asked by the DfE to oversee contact tracing over the start of the Easter holiday which we will of course do. I will send details out about this shortly.
Year 11 and Year 13
I had an assembly with Year 11 today (via teams) and will do one for Year 13 next week. The aim of these is just to reassure students about our plans for awarding grades. We have a good plan and I am confident that the school’s academic departments will do a superb job of supporting our students through this process.
The High School Leckhampton
We heard on Monday that the claim for Judicial Review of the planning decision for The High School Leckhampton’s site at Farm Lane has now been dropped. This is great news and allows the scheme to progress without any further delay. The building is due to be complete in the summer of 2022.
Building works at Balcarras
The new building is progressing well and is currently on course to be delivered by early July. It will be a great asset to the school.
I hope you all have a nice weekend
Kind Regards
Dominic Burke