Update from the Head 20th May

Update 20th May 2020


Dear parents and students,


I hope you are all well.

Partial Re-opening

I thought I should update you on our plans to re-open the school. As you will know the government has stated that they would like secondary schools to provide some ‘face to face’ contact with Year 10 and Year 12 students some point after June 1st.

We have spent a lot of time working out a plan as to how this will happen and we are ready to publish it. However, we are still awaiting the government guidelines for secondary schools which we were told would be published at the start of this week. I am reluctant to announce any plan before carefully checking that it meets every guideline stipulated by the government. We will then have to conduct a risk assessment and have this authorised by the governors. We will at all times prioritise the safety of our young people and staff.

I don’t want this to sound like I’m delaying things. All of this can be done in short order and we are ready to spring in to action. In preparing our plans we have been using the guidelines for primary schools which were published last week assuming that the secondary school guidelines would be similar. As soon as I hear anything more I will be in touch

Year 7, 8 and 9

We don’t yet have any steer from the government about when they think a fuller opening of schools will be possible. It is very difficult to predict how all of this will unfold. For now our lower school pupils will have to continue working via the VLE. I know that this is not ideal and it would be great if we could bring them back in. I want to once again reassure you that the school will plan carefully a detailed programme of catching up and revising the learning that has taken place at home.


I would like to thank you all for your continued support for the school.