Update from the Head 15th May

Update 15th May 2020
Dear students and parents,
I hope you have all had a good week. Well done to all of you for doing so well in keeping up to date with your work on the VLE. Since the lockdown began the VLE has had 1,855,443 hits and 184,686 tasks have been completed. That is quite something.
Return to school
Of course we know working via the VLE is not the same as being in school and we support the government’s desire to offer some ‘face to face’ contact particularly for Year 10 and 12 before the summer. We have spent time this week reading the DfE guidance and starting to formulate plans. Whilst it is unlikely to be anything like business as usual we will do our best to provide the best level of provision we can. I continue to be in close contact with the local authority, the Regional Schools Commissioner and other local heads.
Setting work over half term
Rather like at Easter we don’t intend to set students work to do over half term.
Opening for the children of keyworkers
The school will be open during May half term for the children of keyworkers.
New School for Cheltenham
Yesterday the Gloucestershire County Council Planning Committee approved plans for Cheltenham’s new school which will be located off Farm Lane in Leckhampton. This is a big step forward and I am, of course, delighted. We are currently working on plans to house the school on the Balcarras site from 2021 onwards for one year. Once we have finalised these plans in conjunction with the local authority I will write to you all.
Preparations for next Year
We have made another appointment on to the school’s teaching staff today and we are just about all set up for next year. As usual I will issue a newsletter in June which details all the comings and goings.
That’s all for today. Have a nice weekend.
Dominic Burke