VE Day celebrations

Pupils took part in VE day making cakes and bunting.
Mrs. Cozens and Mrs. Denyer from the D&T department have been getting pupils involved in the VE Day celebrations by encouraging them to bake a commemorative cake and make decorative bunting. This was to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the end of World War 2.
Both staff have been very happy with the amount of entries and would like to thank all of the pupils and staff who took the time to get involved. Below are some photos of the lovely baked goods and bunting that were created this past weekend!
If you would like more detail about the VE Day baking entries then please visit the D&T Food and Nutrition page on the VLE: (you need to be a parent or a pupil with a login to access this area)
Mrs. Swanepoel
Head of D&T