Managing Student Stress for teachers and parents

Managing Student Stress workshops for teachers and parents

Balcarras is hosting an event for teachers on how best to manage student stress on Tuesday 25th June 2019 at Balcarras School 15:45 - 17:45 Following on from her extremely well received mental health workshop at our 2018 conference, Belinda will be returning to Balcarras to deliver a practical workshop on student stress management. This session will focus on:

 Developing practical techniques for managing and identify student stress

 Spotting the signs of student stress

 Starting the conversation

 Validating feelings

 The importance of using listening skills

If you would like any more information about the events or the partnership in general, contact Liz Cullis. Her email address is: or Roxy Adams:

Or see the flyer at the bottom of the page. If you would like to book places for your colleagues on any of the activities please contact Jo Newman. Her email address is: or visit: This event is FREE to all Teaching School Partners. There is a fee of £50 to non-partners. 

There is then a seperate talk for parents on 'Supporting positive mental health in teenagers ” in the Main Hall from 6.30-7.30pm on the same evening Tuesday 25th June 2019 in the main school hall