No plastic day

Wednesday 7th November Balcarras held its first No plastic Day

This wass a day where we tried to not have any ‘single use plastic’ at school – including cups, bottles, food tubs, wrappers and pots. On the day pupils were not able to buy food in plastic containers, plastic forks, plastic bottles, plastic cups.  Instead we encouraged people to bring in reusable plastic bottle's, reusable plastic lunchboxes, or to use crockery from the canteen.  

Why did we do this?

We are doing this because we want to raise awareness about how much single-use plastic we use and get people to think in different ways about using this.

The UK produces up to 5.2 million tonnes of plastic waste a year

A lot of plastic breaks down into smaller pieces and then ends up in rivers, seas, oceans and food chains, you may have heard about micro plastics in the news.

Plastic takes hundreds of years to degrade and it produced from a finite recourse so it will not last for ever.

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A group of pupils came up with some suggestions on how the school could reduce its impact.  They came up with reusing plastic, eg drinks bottles.  Using plates and metal cutlery that can be used over and over again.  Using alternatives that breakdown, the canteen trialled some pots made of biodegradable plant matter (these have less of an impact but are moe expensive).  Recycling rubbish.

"It has been great to see the school community embrace this idea and see how little differences can make a positive change"  If anyone would like to get involved in this or future events then please contact

Mr Pearce