Isla's flag has made it to Antarctica!

Isla Potter in Year 7 won a Geography competition and had her design taken to Antarctica
In the autumn term, the Geography department ran a Year 7 and 8 competition to design a flag for Antarctica. The Geography Department were very impressed by both the quantity and quality of entries submitted for the Antarctica Day flag competition. It was a very tricky decision but our winning entry was by Isla Potter in 7O1. Isla's winning flag design was then sent to the scientists at the UK Polar Network to take to Antarctica.
We have now received a photo of Isla's flag design in Antartica and certificate from the UK Polar Network! Isla's flag was taken to the Halley VI Research Station by Jonathon Witherstone from the British Antarctic Survey and they sent the following photo to us:
Well done to Isla and all the students involved.
Miss A Searle