D of E Awards evening
Last night 91 year 11 students who completed the Bronze Duke of Edinburgh scheme this year and have received their awards at our annual presentation event. This is a huge achievement for them!
As a part of the scheme, students learn a skill, carry out a period of physical activity and partake in at least 3 months of volunteering. Collectively, this group of students alone have contributed nearly 1500 hours of voluntary service to the local community!
Students also carried out 2 expeditions, navigating the beautiful Cotswold countryside to secure their Bronze Award. We were very lucky to be joined by Rich Whincup, a valued friend of the school, a DofE ambassador and international women's rugby coach to present the awards. As always, his words were inspirational!
It was also Mrs Bulls' last year running the Bronze DofE. Mrs Bull has run the DofE at Balcarras with distinction for nearly 25 years. Her expertise and professionalism have allowed over 2000 year 10 and 11 students over the years to complete their award. The number of Gold DofE participants numbers the hundreds too! There are murmurings of the palace wanting to recognise Mrs Bull for her service to DofE! Will she be knighted? We don't know, but she will always be the Queen of DofE in our eyes.