#LitterHeroes at Balcarras
140 pupils take part in a litter pick around Charlton Kings
This event involves 100 year 7 pupils from Balcarras taking part in a campaign to improve our local area. on Friday 3rd March (12.15 to 3.10pm) this is part of a national event organised by the Tidy Britain charity, it is called their '#LitterHeroes' campaign.
For ten years, an army of volunteers made a huge difference – for themselves, for their local areas and for the environment – by organising or getting involved in our Big Tidy Ups. And now, they are celebrated as our #LitterHeroes - our year-round army of litter pickers. #LitterHeroes - our new way of supporting everyone who wants to do their bit to create a better environment on their doorstep and anyone who is already making a difference. Litter blights our streets, parks and beaches and costs us millions of pounds to clear up every year. Keep Britain Tidy is here to inspire people to eliminate litter now and for future generations. This is about more than simply getting people to pick up litter. They aim to change behavior permanently by spotlighting the problem daily and offering creative solutions. They work with people, businesses, local authorities and government to educate, innovate and inspire - improving the environment on everyone’s doorstep. To find out more click here
On the day the pupils and staff went into the beeches park and picking up litter from two recreational areas that are next to our school. These pupils have already been out into the area with geography lessons and identified that litter is an issue in the surrounding community, this is to take action to make our local space a nicer area. As a school we have taken part in these events before and think it is important to make a positive difference. A number of sixth formers have helped organise the event. We are being given support by Cheltenham Council who are providing litter pickers and bags, we are grateful for their support. We managed to collect over 50 bags, and around 140 students and staff helped out over the course of 2 hours. Thanks to everyone involved.
by Finn Bardgett and Joe Edwards (Year 12)
To see more images of the day click here