Update from the Head 9th July

Dear parents

I hope all is well. On Friday 11th June I asked the site team to hoist the flag of St George from the flagpole and keep it aloft whilst ever England were still in Euro 2020. I’m so delighted that it is still flying proud four weeks later. The prospect of watching England in a major final is just so exciting and as you can imagine there is a real buzz in the school about it. I don’t want to put the mockers on it but I am now of the belief that it is finally ‘coming home’.

Preparations for next week

I’d like to thank Mr Baxter and all of the school’s staff for finding a way for activities week to go ahead next week. The activities we are planning will be done in tutor groups so in fact the week we are planning will reduce the chance of having to ask students to self-isolate.

The last three days of term

From Monday 19th the school will no longer be asked to conduct contact tracing. From that date we are also no longer compelled to operate the ‘bubble’ system. However, we have decided to continue with our existing routines because it would simply be too confusing to set up new routines for three days of school. So we will continue with a staggered start and split lunches until Wednesday 21st July.

We break up for the summer at 12.30 on Wednesday 21st July.

Plans for next year

We will be back in touch with detailed plans for the start of next term. It is highly likely that we will return to a single start time and move back to a single break and lunch rather than splitting them. We will not be required to maintain the bubble system. We will maintain an enhanced cleaning regime. More info to follow.

Exam Results Days

The A Level results day is Tuesday 10th August.

The GCSE results day is Thursday 12th August.

Pupils have been invited into school to collect their results from 9am on these days.

Parents Evenings

We are conducting a survey of parents about how we should conduct parents evenings going forward. If you would like to contribute please follow the link:


More Communication from the school

I will issue a final newsletter of the school year in the last week. It will include some nice photos from Activities Week.

And so to the weekend and England versus Italy. I can’t wait!

Dominic Burke