An International look at good teaching
The Maths department have taken part in the TALIS video study program
Balcarras Maths department have taken part in an International survey looking at what makes good quality teaching and learning. This survey is called the TALIS video study program, this stands for the Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS), it asks teachers and principals about the teaching and learning conditions that research tells us improve teaching.
There are over 100 000 randomly selected lower and secondary teachers and their school leaders from over 6 500 schools who have taken part in this survey. This represents more than 4 million teachers from 45 countries. The survey at Balcarras included Mr Critchley, Mrs Baker and a number of students, and included videoing of lessons, looking at work, teaching and learning.
This is the first and only international survey that focuses on the learning environment and the working conditions of teachers in secondary schools. It is unique in that it is a collaborative endeavour between governments, an international consortium, the OECD and teachers’ unions. It allows us to compare schools from different countries around the world.
The final report will produced in 2020 and will be produced by DfE. "It has been exciting to give our opinion on what makes good teaching of maths, and to be part of a bigger program looking at different approaches around the world" said Mr Critchley Head of Maths.